Wednesday, February 21, 2007

NSP, 2006-2007

On April 18, the graduating seniors honored professors who have supported their intellectual, professional and personal development with the 2007 NS Awards of Distinction. Honorees included Dr. Stephanie Barczewski (history); Dr. Richard Blob, Dr. Tamara McNutt-Scott, Dr. Lesly Temesvari, Dr. Jerry Waldvogel (biological sciences); Dr. Angela Dills (economics); Dr. Roy Dodd (bioengineering); Prof. Vladimir Matic (political science); Dr. Gary Powell (biochemistry); and Dr. Eric Seiber (public health science).

Lillie Stewart and Allison Foreman enjoy a high tea at the Clemson President's Home. Pres. and Mrs. Barker have hosted the first-year Scholars for this NSP tradition since 2002, and share with the freshmen their experiences living in Cambridge.

As part of a visit from US ambassador to Canada David Wilkins, several National Scholars met with Amb. Wilkins during a student-only discussion. Wilkins' visit was arranged by the CU Center for International Trade and this session was co-sponsored by the NSP.

English professor Mike Lemahieu leads a book discussion on Margaret Atwood's
The Handmaid's Tale. (Scholars Ben Garrison and Suzanne Sawicki assure us that the looks on their faces are intent concentration and not anger.) Lemahieu coordinated several book discussions this year for more than 50 students, including Bel Canto, Fugitive Days, The Golden Compass and Maus.

Upperclassmen Scholars host the freshmen during the annual Fall Schedule Swap on Aug. 21, 2006. The upperclassmen meet during lunch with the new Scholars to offer advice on courses and scheduling.

New Scholars Retreat, Aug. 16-18, 2006