NSP, 2005-2006

Freshman scholars complete a low ropes obstacle using teamwork during the new Scholar retreat in August 2005. The 2005-2006 academic year began with a 3-day, 2-night retreat for new Scholars, which was organized and run by a team of upperclass Scholars.

Lori Pindar crosses a rope bridge during the 2005 new Scholar retreat.

Back on campus, Scholars kicked off the year with lunch and academic advise at the Fall "Schedule Swap." Swaps provide underclassmen the opportunity to ask upperclassmen for advice on courses and professors before classes begin.

Amanda Youell collects donations for the Habitat for Humanity house built on campus at Bowman Field during Homecoming week. Several Scholars hold leadership positions in the Clemson chapter of Habitat, which has built more houses than any other college chapter in the US.

Current Scholars before Saturday night dinner during NS Weekend, February 2006. Current Scholars enjoy NS Weekend as much as the candidates.

This must be the "goofy" pose -- we hope.

Our Scholar keynote speaker Christen Smith relaxes at Edgar's Underground with NS candidates.

Several Scholars and Dixon Fellows met with Dan Flinter, former director of Enterprise Ireland, in March to learn about changes in the Irish economy in the last decade. The Global Leadership Forum dinner was sponsored by the Clemson Center for Inter-national Trade and Bank of America.

Former State Department official Richard Miles talks with senior Scholar Brian Eyink in March. Miles met with a group of Scholars in preparation for the National Scholars Maymester Educational Enrichment Expedition to Brussels and Belgrade.

Hank Fischer, one of the top ecologists in the US and author of WOLF WARS, travelled to Clemson in April to meet with the nine Scholars who will explore Yellowstone National Park on one of two Maymester Educational Enrichment Expeditions this year.

National Scholars won several leadership and service awards from the division of Student Affairs (left to right): Lesli Kiedrowski, Nick Lomax Rising Star Award; Christen Smith, Phil Prince Student Development Award; Ahmed Mohiuddin, Susan Delony Academic Achievement Award and the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award; and Casey Hancock, Order of the Blue Ridge.

Christen Smith, Rob Dixon and Jill Allen touch "The Rock" at Death Valley after completing the 5k Presidential Library Race on April 1.

On April 4, the graduating seniors honored professors who have supported their intellectual, professional and personal development with the 2006 NS Awards of Distinction. Honorees were (left to right, back row) Bobby McCormick (economics), Caye Drapcho (biosystems engineering), Mark Thies (chemical engineering), Jeff Love (languages and humanities), and Todd May (philosophy).

Matt Clemmens welcomes guests during the senior Scholars' award dinner.

Pres. and Mrs. Barker hosted the freshmen Scholars in preparation for their UK study abroad for a high tea on April 13. The Barkers spent several months living in Cambridge during Pres. B's architecture fellowship studying British village

High Tea